Mini Ice Age Conversations 
with David DuByne

David DuByne is the creator of the ADAPT 2030 Climate Preparedness Channels and Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast.

He is the author of Climate Revolution which is now being updated and edited for the second edition. 

The Climate Revolution e-book is a ‘Must Read’ for understanding our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum.

Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.

As a former coffee buyer in Myanmar, he saw cold weather damage to coffee trees firsthand and heard farm owners telling stories of how their great grandfathers in the 1880’s experienced the same conditions when coffee was being introduced as a cash crop.

Freeze damaged top leaves, bean density changes and 14% over-planting of new seedlings to compensate for cold losses sent him looking for answers and he found cycles through history that affect food production.

He believes understanding our Sun-driven climate is crucial as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and David’s work describes the expected changes, and how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations

During my time as a coffee buyer in Central and Southern Shan States of Myanmar, the coffee farms we worked with were experiencing new planting losses of 12-14% per year due to cold and frost from 2012-Present. The owners commented how strange this was, and I thought the cold was unusual, as I had learned my entire life about CO2 and the affect it had warming our Earth.

In 2014, with top leaf damage through the farms from intense cold, I started to look for a cause. What I found was a cycle of Grand Solar Minimums which I had never heard of before. The most famous was the Maunder Minimum in the 1600’s, and with a bit of digging you will quickly see that these events occur on a regular 400 year pattern.

The effects during each of these GSM’s is always the same, crop losses due to cold damage and out of season rain or snows from shifting jet streams reducing grain yields, food price rises and economic twists as the most important commodity in our society becomes scarce. Having knowledge from past patterns shows which grain crops and which areas globally will go offline first.

Media Links

I was so moved by the information I had researched, that I started the ADAPT 2030 | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 channel on YouTube

Please visit David’s Facebook page as well as all his social media pages. Please help support his great work here at the Independent Broadcast Network.

Mini Ice Age Conversation with David DuByne




Our Sun has begun a 30 year cycle of decreased activity termed a Grand Solar Minimum and known by it’s more common effect “Global Cooling”. The most intense cycles occur roughly every 396 years with a medium cooling cycle every 207 years.

From 2016 forward global temperatures will cool 1.5-3C which will have a dramatic impact on weather patterns and global food production. This is the greatest threat, not the cold itself to the human population.

Click this link which is a list of resources to get you started learning about the past events called the Wolff, Sporer, Maunder and Dalton Grand Solar Minimums.

You can look back in history and see how society was affected and now with better science, we can accurately measure the declines in solar output and take measures to adapt our global grain growing strategies for cooler and wetter conditions.